Thursday, March 31, 2011


Me and the two other people in my group chose to make a storyboard for Spanish II. We chose Spanish II because that was close to one of the only ones left. There was not many choices left. We chose to do Spanish II because I was in Spanish II this year, and I'm a freshman, so I know about Spanish II. I wish that we could have chosen from all of the choices and people could have done a choice more than once and then they pick whose is the best out of those. I think this because if you have tec last then you automatically don't have a big selection of choices to choose from.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Letter Name Slideshow

This project was fun. I liked looking for the pictures and taking some pictures that had to do with what I like and that have the letters of my name in them. I tried to make most of my pictures follow and black and white theme. Most of the pictures that I found did. The ones that I liked that were not in black and white, I changed them to black and white myself. Since we had to have a least 10 letters in our name i had to use my first and middle name because my first name is too short and my first and last name is too long.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Mail Merge

I thought this was a nice project to do. But, making up all the names and addresses took a while for me. But, the fun part was making the emblem to go on the letter. I thought that making the emblem was fun because we got to create it ourselves on the computer. One of the things that was no so fun was writing the letter to the people about our charity event. But, it wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be. The organization that I chose was the Make A Wish Foundation of America. I chose that foundation because I think that it is really great that they help children with life threatening conditions reach their dreams.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


In the M&M activity that we did, I had fun. I thought it was fun because we got to do stuff with M&Ms, which is food. Learning to do things is more fun with food than without food. Also, making the chart was pretty easy, except the averaging part. Once all the averages were done, I thought doing the rest of the chart would be fun.  But, when I tried to change the color of the words, the computer kept messing up my averages, so I would have to do that average again. But, making the pie chart was straight forward and easy.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Class Expectations

My expectations for this class is that it will be easy and fun. It will be easy because it doesn't require a whole lot of thinking and that is also a reason why it will be fun. It will also be fun because we get to be on our macs a lot, and doing things with our macs is fun, most of the time. By the end of the trimester I hope to have a good overall grade in this class, which is an A or A+. Something about myself is that I am a freshman.